Colors are an integral part of human perception and life. Much before the invention of synthetic dyestuffs, natural and vegetable colors were in use in India for centuries.
India soon started use of synthetic dyes and depended on imported organic dyestuffs till 1940s. The start up of Arlabs Ltd.(the 1st dyestuffs company in India ) in 1940, followed by other dyestuffs companies in 50‟s and 60‟s led to the establishment of the indigenous industry. In the development phase that followed subsequently, India slowly emerged as the supplier of dyestuffs and pigments.
Color adds to the very existence and intrinsic value of human tribe. Synthetic dyes contribute heavily for the use of color. Color has an inherent element of value addition to a wide variety of products like textiles, leather, paper, food products, cosmetics, plastics, paints, inks and high-tech applications like optical data storage (CDs, DVDs),solar cells, medical diagnostics (CT Scan, angiography),
security inks, lasers, photo dynamics etc.,The basic raw materials used for the manufacture of dyestuffs are benzene, toluene, xylene and naphthalene (BTXN). The technology employed by the dyes sector has been well received in the international market. Some of the units have established joint ventures abroad using their indigenous technology.

Sudarshan Chemicals plans expansion programme at Mahad

Supreme Dyechem plans expansion programme at Pachayakuppam

DTC Industries plans new chemical unit in Lunej

List of dye chemical manufacturing companies in India

Sri Riddhi Siddhi Colours plans new unit in Jhabua
List of All Dyes and Dye Intermediate Manufacturers in India

Aceto Chem Pvt Ltd

Adarsh Dye Chem Pharma

Adhik Chemicals Pvt Ltd
Aditya Dyestuff Industries

Aditya Synthetic

Adorn Speciality Polymers Pvt Ltd

Advaitya Dye Chem

Advent Dyestuff Chemicals Pvt Ltd

Ajanta Chemical Industries